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Poipet bookmakers: betting shops vs Cambodia betting sites

Poipet: A Guide to the Bookmakers of Cambodia's Border Town

If you are looking for a thrilling and adventurous gambling experience in Southeast Asia, you might want to consider visiting Poipet, a town on the border between Cambodia and Thailand. Poipet is one of the most popular gambling destinations in the region, attracting thousands of tourists and locals every day. Poipet is home to dozens of casinos, shops, and online sites that offer a variety of betting options, such as sports, games, lotteries, and more.

However, gambling in Poipet is not as easy as it sounds. There are many legal and practical issues that you need to be aware of before you start betting. For example, gambling is illegal for Cambodian citizens, but legal for foreigners. There are also different types of gambling venues and platforms, such as shops and online sites, that have their own advantages and disadvantages. How do you choose the best option for your betting needs?

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to the bookmakers of Poipet, the border town of Cambodia. We will explain the history and background of Poipet, the legal and regulatory framework of gambling in Cambodia, the types and features of shops and online sites in Poipet, and the tips and tricks on how to bet safely and responsibly in Poipet. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of the gambling scene of Poipet, and how to make the most of your betting experience in Poipet.

History and Background of Poipet

Poipet is a town in Ou Chrov district in Banteay Meanchey Province in western Cambodia. It is on the border with Thailand and is a key crossing point between the two countries. It links northwestern Cambodia to Aranyaprathet, and hence Bangkok.

Poipet was originally a small and quiet village, but it started to grow rapidly in the late 1990s, when the Cambodian government decided to legalize gambling for foreigners, but not for Cambodian citizens. This created a huge demand for gambling services in Poipet, especially from Thai gamblers, who were prohibited from gambling in their own country.

As a result, dozens of casinos, shops, and online sites were built in Poipet, turning the town into a booming and bustling gambling hub. Poipet became the largest and most successful casino town in Cambodia, generating millions of dollars in revenue for the national government and the casino operators. Poipet also attracted many other businesses and services, such as hotels, restaurants, bars, entertainment venues, and transportation facilities.

Today, Poipet is one of the most visited and vibrant towns in Cambodia, with a population of over 100,000 people. Poipet is also a major transport and trade hub, connecting Cambodia and Thailand by road and rail. Poipet is a town of contrasts, where luxury and poverty, modernity and tradition, legality and illegality coexist. Poipet is a town of opportunities, where you can find fortune and fun, but also risk and danger.

Legal and Regulatory Framework of Gambling in Cambodia

Gambling in Cambodia is officially illegal under the 1996 Law on Suppression of Gambling, which outlawed all unauthorized forms of gambling and provided for penalties ranging from monetary fines to short prison sentences.

However, this law only applies to Cambodian citizens, who are not allowed to gamble in any form or place. Cambodian citizens who are caught gambling face legal or safety risks, such as police raids, scams, violence, or gambling debts. Cambodian citizens who work in the gambling industry, such as casino staff, are required to have a special permit from the government.

On the other hand, gambling is legal for foreigners, who can gamble at licensed and regulated casinos, shops, or online sites. Foreigners who want to gamble in Cambodia need to have a valid passport and a visa, and pay a fee of $100 USD per year. Foreigners who gamble in Cambodia are subject to the laws and regulations of their own countries, and are responsible for paying taxes on their winnings.

The Cambodian government has granted licenses to over 100 casinos, most of which are located in border towns and resort areas, such as Poipet, Bavet, Sihanoukville, and Koh Kong. The casinos are supervised by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which collects a tax of 20% on the gross gaming revenue of the casinos. The casinos are also required to follow certain rules and standards, such as anti-money laundering, responsible gambling, and social contribution.

Types and Features of Shops and Online Sites in Poipet

In Poipet, there are two main options for betting: shops and online sites. Shops are physical locations where you can place bets on various sports events and games. Online sites are websites or platforms where you can place bets on various sports events and games using your computer, smartphone, or tablet. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages, and you have to weigh them carefully and wisely. Here are some of the types and features of shops and online sites in Poipet:

Shops in Poipet

Shops are popular among locals and tourists who prefer a more traditional and social way of gambling. Shops are usually located in busy areas, such as markets, streets, or hotels, and they have signs and logos that indicate their name and services. Shops offer a wide range of betting options, especially on local and regional sports and games, such as Cambodian football, kickboxing, horse racing, and lotteries. Shops also offer more competitive odds and prices on these markets and events, as they are more familiar and popular among the local bettors and shops.

Pros of Shops

Here are some of the benefits of betting at shops in Poipet:

  • You can enjoy the atmosphere and interaction of betting with other people. Shops are often lively and crowded, and you can chat and mingle with other bettors, staff, and spectators. You can also watch the games and events live on TV screens or monitors, and cheer and celebrate with others when you win.
  • You can get instant cash payouts when you win. Shops usually pay out your winnings in cash, and you can collect them as soon as the results are confirmed. You do not have to wait for bank transfers or online transactions, and you do not have to worry about currency conversions or fees.
  • You can get access to local and regional markets and events. Shops often offer a wide range of betting options, especially on local and regional sports and games, such as Cambodian football, kickboxing, horse racing, and lotteries. You can also find more competitive odds and prices on these markets and events, as they are more familiar and popular among the local bettors and shops.

Cons of Shops

Here are some of the drawbacks of betting at shops in Poipet:

  • You have to travel and visit the shops in person. Shops are not always convenient or accessible, especially if you live far away or have a busy schedule. You have to spend time and money on transportation, and you have to deal with traffic and crowds. You also have to follow the opening and closing hours of the shops, and you may miss out on some opportunities or events if they are not available or open when you want to bet.
  • You have to deal with the risks and challenges of gambling in Cambodia. Shops are not always safe or legal, especially for Cambodian citizens. You may face legal or safety risks if you get caught or involved in any trouble, such as police raids, scams, violence, or gambling debts. You may also face ethical or moral issues, such as gambling addiction, corruption, or social stigma. You have to be careful and cautious when you gamble at shops, and you have to respect and follow the laws and regulations of the country.
  • You have to deal with the limitations and restrictions of shops. Shops often have limited or outdated technology and equipment, such as old or broken machines, slow or unreliable internet, or poor or unclear displays. You may also have limited or restricted options or features, such as payment methods, customer service, bonuses, or promotions. You may also have to deal with the human errors or biases of the staff or the shops, such as mistakes, delays, or disputes.

Online Sites in Poipet

Online sites are popular among foreigners and tourists who prefer a more modern and convenient way of gambling. Online sites are websites or platforms where you can place bets on various sports events and games using your computer, smartphone, or tablet. Online sites offer a huge range of betting options, especially on global and international sports and games, such as soccer, basketball, tennis, cricket, esports, and more. Online sites also offer more attractive odds and prices on these markets and events, as they are more competitive and diverse among the online bookmakers and bettors.

Pros of Online Sites

Here are some of the benefits of betting at online sites in Poipet:

  • You can enjoy the convenience and flexibility of betting online. Online sites are available 24/7, and you can access them anytime and anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection and a compatible device. You do not have to travel or visit any physical locations, and you do not have to deal with traffic or crowds. You can also bet at your own pace and preference, and you can switch or change your bets easily and quickly.
  • You can get access to global and international markets and events. Online sites often offer a huge range of betting options, especially on global and international sports and games, such as soccer, basketball, tennis, cricket, esports, and more. You can also find more attractive odds and prices on these markets and events, as they are more competitive and diverse among the online bookmakers and bettors.
  • You can get access to various features and benefits of online sites. Online sites often have advanced and innovative technology and equipment, such as live streaming, in-play betting, cash out, and more. You can also get various options and features, such as payment methods, customer service, bonuses, or promotions. You can also get more security and privacy, as online sites use encryption and verification systems to protect your data and transactions.

Cons of Online Sites

Here are some of the drawbacks of betting at online sites in Poipet:

  • You have to deal with the risks and challenges of online gambling. Online sites are not always reliable or trustworthy, and you may face technical or connectivity issues, such as malware, phishing, hacking, or fraud. You may also face legal or safety risks if you get caught or involved in any trouble, such as government bans, ISP blocks, or account suspensions. You may also face ethical or moral issues, such as gambling addiction, isolation, or social stigma. You have to be careful and cautious when you gamble online, and you have to check and verify the reputation and legality of the online sites.
  • You have to deal with the delays and costs of online gambling. Online sites usually do not pay out your winnings in cash, and you have to wait for bank transfers or online transactions, which may take days or weeks. You may also have to pay currency conversions or fees, which may reduce your profits or increase your losses. You may also have to deal with the time differences or lags of online gambling, which may affect your betting decisions or outcomes.
  • You have to deal with the competition and complexity of online gambling. Online sites often have more and better bookmakers and bettors, who may have more experience, knowledge, or skills than you. You may also have to deal with more and harder markets and events, which may have more variables, factors, or uncertainties than you. You may also have to deal with more and stricter rules and regulations, which may limit or restrict your betting options or strategies.


Betting in Poipet is a fun and exciting activity that can enhance your experience and enjoyment of the town. However, you have to choose the best option for your betting needs, and you have to compare and contrast the pros and cons of shops and online sites. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages, and you have to weigh them carefully and wisely. You also have to be aware of the legal and practical issues of gambling in Cambodia, and you have to bet safely and responsibly.

We hope that this article has helped you to understand the gambling scene of Poipet, and how to make the most of your betting experience in Poipet.


Here are some frequently asked questions about betting in Poipet:

  • Q: Is gambling legal in Cambodia?
  • A: Gambling is legal in Cambodia for foreigners, but illegal for Cambodian citizens. Foreigners can gamble at licensed and regulated casinos, shops, or online sites, but Cambodians can only gamble at illegal or underground venues or platforms, which may be risky or dangerous.
  • Q: How can I find the best bookmakers or online sites in Poipet?
  • A: You can find the best bookmakers or online sites in Poipet by doing some research and comparison, such as reading reviews, ratings, or testimonials, checking the reputation and legality of the bookmakers or online sites, or asking for recommendations or referrals from other bettors or experts.
  • Q: How can I bet safely and responsibly in Poipet?
  • A: You can bet safely and responsibly in Poipet by following some tips, such as setting a budget and a limit, betting only what you can afford to lose, betting only on what you know or understand, betting only for fun or entertainment, and seeking help or support if you have a gambling problem or addiction.
  • Q: What are the best sports or games to bet on in Poipet?
  • A: The best sports or games to bet on in Poipet depend on your personal preference and interest, but some of the most popular and profitable ones are football, kickboxing, horse racing, and lotteries.
  • Q: What are the best bonuses or promotions to look for in Poipet?
  • A: The best bonuses or promotions to look for in Poipet are those that offer you more value or benefit, such as free bets, cash back, welcome bonus, loyalty bonus, or referral bonus. However, you should also read the terms and conditions carefully, and check the wagering requirements, expiry dates, or withdrawal limits.
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